Elizabeth House specialises in adults under 65 with dementia relating to alcohol abuse, particularly Korsakov's and similar conditions

About Roberta House and Elizabeth House - providers of specialist residential care and reablement facilities.
Elizabeth House - provider of residential care and reablement services for individuals with a diagnosis of Wernicke-Korsakov's syndrome
Roberta House - provider of residential care and reablement services for individuals with a diagnosis of Wernicke-Korsakov's syndrome
Care provision for adults under 65 with conditions relating to dementia, particularly with alcohol-related brain damage
Our active therapy team and activities for successful rehabilitation of clients with Wernicke-Korsakov's syndrome and acquired brain injury
Who we care for - adults under 65 with dementia and related condition, including acquired brain injury and korsakov's syndrome.
Contact us if you would like advice about Korsakov's syndrome care and rehabilitation
Join our specialist team at Roberta and Elizabeth House, Upstreet, CT3 4DD



The Upstreet Project: Elizabeth House & Roberta House, Upstreet

Residential care and re-ablement for adults with Wernicke-Korsakoff's Syndrome, acquired brain injury, ARBD (Alcohol-Related Brain Damage) and other related conditions.

Useful links to other websites with information about Korsakov's syndrome and related conditions
Useful links related to Korsakov's syndrome and other organic dementia-related conditions:

Wikipedia: Korsakov's syndrome

Wikipedia: Definition of dementia

The Alzheimers Society

Alcohol Concern

Care Quality Commission (CQC)

Mind (National Association for Mental Health)

Factsheet about Dementia

Mental Health Foundation

Huntington's Disease Association

Alcohol & addiction services in Kent & Medway

Alcoholics Anonymous

Please note that these are links to external sites and we have no control over their content. They are offered purely as an information resource to you. If you know of any additional information sources that may be of use, please let us know. Thank you.


Contact Details

Contact Details and Who's Who?

The resident owners, Mr Rod Tarry and Mrs Bobbie Tarry, have managed Roberta House and Elizabeth House, caring for clients with dementia, since 1986.

Their team comprises a highly motivated permanent team of care and support workers, plus a full time Client Development team, catering team and dedicated maintenance/cleaning staff.

Contact Details:

Care Team :

Telephone: 01227 860516 or 860704
Email: careteam@dementia-care.com

Accounts & fax machine:

Telephone: 01227 860555
Email: finance@dementia-care.com

Clients (residents):

Telephone: 01227 860516 or 860704

Please note, all calls are recorded for training and safeguarding purposes.

Roberta House,
95-103 Island Rd
Kent CT3 4DE

Elizabeth House
68 Island Rd

Kent CT3 4DD